Port Royale
Port Royale provides a safe harbor for merchants, shippers, and businessmen of any stripe. The harbor is large and deep enough to accommodate any ship in the Stygian Blue and provides a place to careen and repair these vessels. Its location has led to its popularity. Close enough to the mainland and Verazul to be a hub for legitimate shipping, but also in close enough proximity to Polonian trade routes to allow the inhabitants easy access to potential targets. And, perhaps most importantly, far enough from any seat of Polonian power to maintain its independence.
The wildest stories suggest that the city is a pirate utopia where most residents are pirates, cutthroats, or prostitutes. The taverns of Port Royale are known for their excessive consumption of alcohol such that stories are told of the wild animals of the area partaking in the debauchery. Supposedly, the parrots of Port Royale gather to drink from the large stocks of ale with just as much alacrity as the drunks that frequent the taverns that serve it.
In truth, those less desirable elements live alongside many legitimate artisans and merchants that prefer to ply their trade outside of the reach of the Polonians. The city is a mix of many elements. Fleets of fishermen set sail from Port Royale every morning and sell their catches on the docks. Legitimate merchants transport foodstuffs sourced from the northern coast, goods produced by artisans, and rum produced on the island to Verazul. Large farms and distilleries are located on the island nearby. Grey markets exist that trade in materials stolen from Polonian interests, whether burgled from warehouses in Portobello or seized from Polonian ships on the seas. Pirates of all sorts, including some of great renown, are welcome to sail into the harbor and their appearance is often a cause for great excitement if they arrive with large amounts of plunder.
Nearly 6,500 people live in Port Royale. In addition to prostitutes and buccaneers, there are four goldsmiths, 44 tavern keepers, and a variety of artisans and merchants who live in 2,000 buildings crammed into 50 acres. Jewels and items are easily fenced with no questions asked. Specialty items including magic ones can be found publicly for sail here.
The city itself is ruled by a Council that meets on a raised platform in the center of the market once per week. The membership is fluid and the requirements to be admitted are murky, but the interests of merchants, local artisans, shopkeepers, criminal organizations, and the harbor are all represented. Currently there are two factions, one that supports big landowners and rich merchants led by Kicerro and one supporting, the average sailor and stevedore led by Satiline.