Caramel Bay
Caramel Bay is located in the southeast corner of the Stygian Blue. The bay is surrounded by farms owned and administered by Polonian colonists and largely staffed by native workers. Polonian efforts are directed primarily at cash crops grown on larger plantations. Sugar plantations are the most prominent, but tobacco and tea are also grown in substantial quantities. Smaller farms, ranchs, and fishing villages inhabited by native Kalians are not uncommon and generally exist to supply beef, fish, and grains to support the needs of the population of Caramel Bay.
The Polonian Western Mercantile Company have designated Caramel Bay as its own Administrative Zone and it is run by the Governor installed in Portobello. The governor, his staff, and the small number of soldiers at his command are not sufficient to enforce laws and rule the bay in its entirety. Instead, the governor concentrates his efforts on maintaining trade, ensuring the safety of Portobello, hunting pirates where possible, and supporting individual plantations if they request aid in controlling the populace.
History and Politics
Sugar Plantations
The broad, flat grasslands around the west and south shores of the bay and large amount of runoff from the mountains have made the area particularly attractive to sugar farmers and plantations cover the area.
Most plantations include large mills that sort out the cane from grass, leaves, and dirt. The next several steps of processing yield a thick, dark molasses-type product which gets refined further and further throughout several days worth of processing. Through the use of filters and centrifuge machines, shipped special from the Inner Sea and unavailable anywhere in the world, the products are refined into a fine white sugar.