March 4, 2020 Session

March 4, 2020 Session


  • Immediately upon opening the door - sliding pocket doors! - the party was made aware of:

    • The dragon Hyperion help captive in a magic shell powered by flickering rubies stationed at the points of a mystical pentagram.

    • Two fifteen foot tall, fire creatures with long swords that were poised to fight but held - one to a corner - behind separate runic diagrams drawn on the floor.

    • Cappen Varra immediately poking his head inside to try to be the first to get a good view.

  • The party then took the following actions:

    • Corliss crossed the runic line of one fire creature, provoking a attack.

    • Ser Shadow attempted to assassinate Cappen Varra, causing the Fey Magic surrounding the deal between Cappen and Corliss to strike Corliss down and render him incapacitated.

    • Yornan - attempting to save Corliss from the attacks of the fire creature, dragged Corliss from the circle, disturbing the delicate runic patterns that had kept the fire creature at bay.

    • Cappen - who had been prevented from summoning the Dark Asher as part of the deal that had been broken - immediately summoned him.

  • Things went poorly.

    • Corliss, Yornan, and Rhagal were all knocked unconscious by the Dark Asher as Cappen fled.

    • Ser Shadow was almost down.

  • But, Ser Shadow followed the suggestion of Kal and attacked the rubies holding the dragon in stasis. His lack of success with slashing weapons convinced Kal that bludgeoning weapons would be more effective and Kal and Hurodash eventually broke enough rubies to break the spell and free Hyperion.

  • Hyperion ended the fight and banished all the fire-aspected creatures that had been associated with his imprisonment.

  • Then, Cappen reappeared and he, Corliss, and Yornan - each having been made Blessed by the powers of Earth - were given the opportunity to make the case why Hyperion should agree to be their chaperone.

    • Cappen gave an impassioned speech about his qualifications.

    • Corliss explained his best attributes, particularly the quality of his character as compared to Cappen.

    • Yornan, deferred to Corliss.

  • Hyperion chose Corliss. Once again, Cappen left.

  • As part of reward for saving him:

    • Hyperion explained that the convergence was only months away and that Corliss should follow the ley lines and find the site, although Hyperion would try to ensure that he and Corliss were there on time.

    • Hyperion told Yornan that he too should be prepared to fight as the Powers of Earth would need his help also, but that he understood that Yornan had additional business to conclude before moving ahead.

    • Each of the scions of Earth - Corliss, Yornan, and Rhagal - were given a boon. Once they could choose to roll the maximum on all their damage dice.

    • Ser Shadow was thanked but told that no help would be forthcoming as he was associated with the Powers of Air.

    • Hurodash asked for information about other dragons and Hyperion - for uncertain reasons - gave him aid even though he is a Blessed of Fire.

  • The party was teleported by Hyperion to the Blasted Lands on the far side of the Badcrag Mountains to the general vicinity of a dragon that might serve as Hurodash’s chaperone.

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