Fireside Chat - Plans and Help

Fireside Chat - Plans and Help


In the aftermath of the victory of the Battle of Castle Rend, the party has incurred a serious obligation. They have promised Bonebreaker Dorokor that they will sneak her and a dozen and a half of her orcish fighters into the walled city of Highbridge in order to kill off Hate Incarnate initiates located in the castle on Baron’s Isle.

The Isle is accessed by a narrow footbridge (previously blown up but since rebuilt) that stretches from the portion of the Docks in Highbridge that previously housed the Polonian military to a small island about 40 feet offshore upon which the castle sits. By the way, the Orcs don’t swim.


Three of the Highbridgers that are currently sitting around the campfire after the battle offer up some ideas that might help the party to lead approximately 20 seven foot tall orcs across the river, through the walls of Highbridge, and then across the footbridge that leads to Baron’s Isle.

In addition, they are happy to remind the party of information about the Docks such as the information right here: The Docks . (that page has information from before the Hate Incarnate takeover of the city, but hopefully it helps)


  • Joc offers up that he knows of a smugglers cove about two miles downriver of Highbridge and on the Castle Rend side of the river. The cove typically houses a few leaky grain barges and a rowboats.

  • Joc also has access to a few wagons that were used in a scam where members of The Knot pretended to run a traveling menagerie a few years ago.


  • Penna suggests that the party use the Highbridge constables and militia that tragically died defending the castle as a cover. The most commonly used Highbridge graveyard is located about two miles outside the city. The party could hide or disguise the orcs and roll everyone right over the High Bridge that crosses the Green River?
    In addition, the graveyard is a fairly quiet site. The only thing of note is a brewery that is adjacent. It is named The Eternal Rest Brewing Company. Brewing beer is a business that keeps the tenders of the graveyard busy, and the crypts and vaults associated with the graveyard prove to be good, dark, and temperature controlled locations for fermenting.


  • Kelmen knows of a tunnel about 1000 feet outside the city walls that leads under the walls and into the tunnels beneath the Docks area of Highbridge. The tunnels come out in all sorts of locations, but he’s not that sure what’s down there or how to navigate them.

  • Kelmen also - through the Knot - has contacts amongst the dockworkers and thinks that he could potentially get control of the cranes that lift grain containers into the large silo in the Docks area. He can also get access to just about any building in the Docks area.

  • Kelmen offers up access to any other of his contacts. His only concern is involving his Aunt - Selma Longbottom - for fear that she won’t understand or approve of smuggling Orcs into the city.