August 21, 2019 Session
The party finds themselves on the edge of steep valley, looking out over the remnants of ancient city that has been retaken by the jungle. After a quick inventory check, they head off to find their way into the canyon.
In the undergrowth ahead, the party spies a raptor. As they stretch out and separate in an attempt to engage it on their terms, the other hunting raptors in the back fall on the party from all sides. Clever girl, indeed. The party survives despite taking serious wounds.
Into the Valley
The party heads down to the valley floor, slowly making their way through the undergrowth, and finding that the valley is filled with small stone huts. As the make their way northward, they come upon a crumbling Walled Compound. Within the walls they find the remains of a Polonian company with only two survivors. One survivor, wearing a tourniquet above the bloody stump where his leg had been bitten off, is quickly dispatched as a mercy kill.
The other survivor, the captain of the original expedition explains that they had been sent to recover soul stones from the temples in the area. His expedition had recovered three, but the other temples proved too challenging to recover the stones from. And then, apparently, after a series of attacks by dinosaurs, the expedition had mutinied and left the captain in the compound with the dead and dying.
The Temple of Shagambi
The party read and eventually discovered the meaning of the dwarven text over the door to the temple. It had said “Shagambi teaches us to fight evil with honor.” The clay golems that guarded the temple could be convinced to disappear and leave their spears behind if killed after accepting their salute in the main fighting pit.
Upon successfully acquiring the spears and placing them in the hands of statue guardians, the soul stone emerged from a pedestal. Hurodash, who had been hearing whispers the entire time, now hears a voice frantically repeating “Let me in, let me out. Let me in, let me out.” Hurodash takes hold of the stone and appears to be struck dumb as a presence invades his mind.