July 3, 2019 Session

July 3, 2019 Session


The plan had been to return to Hornsferry to collect Namaria’s fee and then kill Gell. However, after a bit of a rumble in Gell’s office, the party instead decided to take one more job, collecting a precious relic from a safe in the top room of a tower in a keep held by Polonians.


Our heroes infiltrated the keep by entered the effluent pipes that diverted water used to power a waterwheel through some basement chambers housing some experiments.

Each chamber was filled with different creatures: Otyughs and others, each with various limbs grafted onto their bodies. The party fought their way through bravely: Namaria leaping into battle, Hurodash diving into deep pools to rescue drowning comrades and engage with the monsters, Corliss was the first to climb the catwalks to fight off the facility guards, while Rhagal continually forged ahead to unlock the grates.

The party successfully maneuvered through the chambers and ended the session beneath the shaft that led to the top of the tower.