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Captain Dante leads a flotilla of marauding, cut-throat pirates with an appetite for debauchery and no scruples. They are said to “fly the red,” although they are apt to use any manner of trickery and disguise.

The Firehawk pirates were born in blood and fire, in an uprising aboard a Polonian merchant galley, The Glorious Phoenix. Its grandiose name and its outwardly luxurious appointments gave the appearance of a decadent spice hauler shuttling between Verazul and the Spice Isles. However, the oarsmen chained to the rowing benches turned the tables on their Polonian sailing masters under the leadership of Dante, a fire-blooded efreet whose tactical brilliance and unmatched courage in the face of desperate odds, and were able to seize the ship and turn rogue.

Electing Dante as their captain, the survivors branded themselves the Firehawk Pirates and they refitted the merchant ship into a more functional and powerful vessel of war, rechristened as the Doom Phoenix. Using clever tactics and subterfuge, they carried out a series of lightning raids and ambushes to seize other ships. Brigands across the Stygian Blue flocked to his banner when hearing of the opportunity to join the crews of their growing flotilla.

Boasting crew members from all different races, occupations and skillsets, the Firehawk Pirates can make for a powerful ally or a can make an extremely deadly adversary. Minor captains owning their allegiance to Captain Dante can be found all over The Stygian Blue and are they are equally likely to attack Kalian trading vessels heading to Verazul as they are to board Polonian traders hauling sugar or rum. Villages and ports anywhere on the sea are under threat of raids from the Firehawk Pirates.

The Firehawk Pirates are rumored to have a secret base west or south of the Spice Isles that is more raucous than Port Royale, more dangerous than Tortuga, and more lascivious than most can even imagine.

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