Captain Mergar the Deathless

Captain Mergar the Deathless

Captain Mergar is an enigma and a legend. He could be said to fly the black, but his aims are so removed from those of other pirates that it is hard to categorize him. In stories, he is said to have raided and plundered many strange lands.

Mergar, claims to be the second son of a King from the far off Kingdom of Marland, and to be born over 200 years ago. Bitter over his father's favoritism towards his elder brother, Mergar threw himself at the world with a vengeance in search of conquest, bastardizing his family’s sigil of the mailed fist and broken sword into a symbol of menace. He began to seek out legendary treasures from the farthest reaches of the world in a quest for immortality. This was at first just a figurative quest to become immortal, in the sense of a fame that would eclipse his father and brother’s and would live on after him, but after recovering a marvelous pearl from an ancient treasure he was filled with a surging torrent of power that seemed to mark him for a destiny of greatness. Pirates that have served aboard his ships tell tales in taverns and bawdy houses across the sea that his aging has slowed to a stop and that - despite his 200 years - his vigor has only increased.

Captain Mergar is legendary for his skill with a blade and for his incredible nose for treasure. Driven by goals that he never reveals to his crews, his plans impel him to ever more daring raids and quests to achieve ever-greater fame and legendary treasures. He is a hard man as a captain and relentless in his demands of the crews that he hires, but he often has his pick of the bravest and most experienced men because of reputation for success.

Unlike many famous captains, Mergar does not have a single ship that carries his flag, but in many stories he appears with a cadre of beautiful spellcasting sisters. He has used many ships over the years, and after a successful mission or raid often disappears for years, only returning to https://appleforge.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SB/pages/1693450255 with a different ship and a need for a new crew. His current obsession is in the far northern of The Stygian Blue - where few have sailed - seeking signs of the legendary fleet of Kal the Indomitable.

He has appeared in stories with a number of different magic items and weapons, spells and potions, and wands and staffs. The only constant is the Celestial Circlet that he wears in every story.



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