Mister Alto's Crew

Mister Alto's Crew

Mister Alto is a powerful figure in the rougher parts of Verazul. In particular, he is known to provide security in and around the Old Docks. The main concern of his crew is making sure that established forms of business - illicit and otherwise - are not inconvenienced by the acts of people deemed “poorly connected”.

The crew itself consists of dozens of people located throughout the city. Smugglers, enforcers, and even administrators work openly and secretly for Mister Alto. The most visible members of the crew patrol the area adjacent to the Old Docks, ensuring that business is conducted normally. These enforcers perform services ranging from debt collection to clearing out bar fights to helping the poorer folks of the Old Docks Ward get the help and protection that they need.

Many of the residents of the Old Docks Ward look positively on Mister Alto, certainly much more so than the Polonian interlopers or the city magistrates that are on the payroll of the Polonian Mercantile Company. Mister Alto and his crew can typically be counted on to provide protection and justice, as long as the residents recognize that the Mister Alto’s business interests come first.




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