A privateer rather than a true pirate, this blue- skinned and water-souled undine assumed the role of captain after her mother died. She was trained as the ship medic to ensure her survival if she ever was captured, and she has mastered the fine points of commerce from accounting and finance to contract lawyering, ensuring she had all the tools she would need to make sure she doesn't get cheated of ay payments owed to her and her crew. Of course, she wields her words and writs like weapons, making sure that any contracts she signs with others always lead to her advantage, just as her mother taught her. After all, piracy need not be at the point of a sword. Beryl is easily irritated, as she carries a great deal of stress from handling so many different jobs and also dealing with the often- uneducated louts in her crew, yet she truly cares about each one of them. While never a slave herself, most of her crew were enslaved in the past, and she despises those who would steal the freedom of their fellow sentient beings. She carries her medical bag with her at all times, along with her charts, maps, and ledgers, just in case.