Ser Shadow has two ability uses per day. The same ability can be used twice. Usages are regained after a long rest.
Mesmerizing Enthrall
An innate magical ability similar to Enthrall and Zone of Truth but requiring that the user peer into the target's eyes from within five feet.
Usage and Effects
Casting Time | 1 action |
Range | 5 feet |
Components | None |
Duration | 1 minute |
This is not a spell, instead it is an innate ability that you can invoke as part of your mesmerization powers.
You stare into the eyes of a creature and then weave a distracting string of words, causing that creature to make a Wisdom saving throw against a DC based on your Charisma (8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Bonus). Any creature that can't be Charmed succeeds on this saving throw automatically, and if you or your companions are fighting a creature, it has advantage on the save.
On a failed save, the target will not perceive, look at, respond to, or acknowledge any creature other than you until the spell ends or until the target can no longer hear you. The effect ends if you are Incapacitated or can no longer speak. The effect ends if the target takes damage. The target gets to attempt to save at the end of every turn that it is in imminent danger.
While enthralled, the creature will respond to questions and while it can be evasive in its answers as long as it remains within the boundaries of the truth, it cannot tell a deliberate lie.
Mesmerizing Command
An innate magical ability to Command but requiring that the user peer into the target's eyes from within five feet.
Usage and Effects
Casting Time | 1 action |
Range | 5 feet |
Components | None |
Duration | 1 round |
This is not a spell, instead it is an innate ability that you can invoke as part of your mesmerization powers.
You stare into the eyes of a creature and then speak a one-word command. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against a DC based on your Charisma (8 + Proficiency Bonus + Charisma Bonus) or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is Undead, if it doesn't understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it.
Some typical commands and their Effects follow. You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can't follow your command, the spell ends.
- Approach: The target moves toward you by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet of you.
- Drop: The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.
- Flee: The target spends its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means.
- Grovel: The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
- Halt: The target doesn't move and takes no Actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to remain in the air.
Mesmerizing Confusion
An innate magical ability to cause Confusion but requiring that the user peer into the target's eyes from within five feet.
Usage and Effects
Casting Time | 1 action |
Range | 5 feet |
Components | None |
Duration | 1 minute |
This is not a spell, instead it is an innate ability that you can invoke as part of your mesmerization powers.
You stare into the eyes of a creature and assault and twist their mind, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled Actions. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw when you cast this spell or be affected by it (Ser Shadow's DC = 8 + proficiency + CHA Bonus).
An affected target can't take reactions and must roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for that turn.
- 1: The creature uses all its Movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn't take an action this turn.
- 2-6: The creature doesn't move or take Actions this turn.
- 7-8: The creature uses its action to make a melee Attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn.
- 9-10: The creature can act and move normally.
At the end of its turns, an affected target can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for that target.
Mesmerizing Memory Modification
An innate magical ability to cause Memory Modification but requiring that the user peer into the target's eyes from within five feet.
Usage and Effects
Casting Time | 1 action |
Range | 5 feet |
Components | None |
Duration | 1 minute |
This is not a spell, instead it is an innate ability that you can invoke as part of your mesmerization powers.
You stare into the eyes of a creature and attempt to reshape another creature's memories. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw when you cast this spell or be affected by it (Ser Shadow's DC = 8 + proficiency + CHA Bonus). If you are fighting the creature, it has advantage on the saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes Charmed by you for the Duration. The Charmed target is Incapacitated and unaware of its surroundings, though it can still hear you. If it takes any damage or is targeted by another spell, this spell ends, and none of the target's memories are modified.
While this charm lasts, you can affect the target's memory of an event that it experienced within the last 24 hours and that lasted no more than 10 minutes. You can permanently eliminate all memory of the event, allow the target to recall the event with perfect clarity and exacting detail, change its memory of the details of the event, or create a memory of some other event.
You must speak to the target to describe how its memories are affected, and it must be able to understand your language for the modified memories to take root. Its mind fills in any gaps in the details of your description. If the spell ends before you have finished describing the modified memories, the creature's memory isn't altered. Otherwise, the modified memories take hold when the spell ends.
A modified memory doesn't necessarily affect how a creature behaves, particularly if the memory contradicts the creature's natural inclinations, Alignment, or beliefs. An illogical modified memory, such as implanting a memory of how much the creature enjoyed dousing itself in acid, is dismissed, perhaps as a bad dream. The DM might deem a modified memory too nonsensical to affect a creature in a significant manner.
A Remove Curse or Greater Restoration spell cast on the target restores the creature's true memory.