A day at the races, a visit with an old ally, and then a trip into wilderness. A bucolic paradise. At least until ten foot tall Ettin began raining boulders on the party. |
Rhagal, Ser Shadow, Yornan and Corliss are sitting in the Rusty Spigot, enjoying the spoils of their victory and rescue of Kelmen Longbottom. Free drinks, hearty congratulations, and admiring glances from the barmaids make this a joyous occasion. As darkness falls, Hurodash appears. He had been hidden in the sewers until dusk and used the cover of night to sneak back into Overtown, dragging his wintery sword of hell behind him.
Rat Races
This night was rat racing night at the Rusty Spigot and the boards were pulled off the counters spanning two sides of the room in order to reveal two half-pipes. The eight-rat bracket fills up fast, and the two most notable entries are Buddy and the undefeated champion rat.
Buddy wins his first race with ease thanks to some coaching and a promise of food from Hurodash. The second race looks tougher as the opponent appears to be feeding his rat little pellets of something that make him run faster. However, a convenient suggestion spell causes the owner to delay opening the gate for his rat and Buddy gets off to a large lead and a victory.
The party bets big on Buddy who is getting 4-1 odds in the final race against the champion rat. Yornan casts Detect Magic and then Dispel Magic on the champion, removing whatever magical advantage that it had. Buddy cruises to victory and the party collects their winnings.
A Day in Town
The morning begins with a trip to the Lyceum campus in Highbridge to talk to Yancey Figbottom. He identify the frosty hell sword as magical indeed. He also hires the party to deliver messages to someplace deep in the Black Forest. The party takes to job and agrees to come by the next morning to pick up the messages. Yancey is also to provide a seeking stone. The stone always tugs in the direction of its mate, which is the destination for the messages.
A trip to Good Sundries in the Old City has the party meet Endrith one more time. He offers to trade a whole slew of items for the frosty sword: a magical haversack, a flametongue dagger, a radiant axe, three potions of healing and a potion of invisibility.
A Trip Through the Wilderness
The party follows paths through the forest before having to pass between through a cleft in a ridge. Two ettins are waiting, one at the top of each ridge.
An overconfident Rhagal suffers an early bout of unconsciousness when one ettin catches him hiding behind a boulder shooting arrows. That ettin is largely neutralized by a Blindness spell from Yornan (and the ettin’s half-dozen save failures). Rhagal goes on to pincushion that ettin with close to a dozen arrows. Corliss attempts to finish him off with a series of Dissonant Whispers and other spells, but the ettin saves against those every single time.
Hurodash and Ser Shadow charge up the hill to fight to other ettin toe to toe. The second ettin gives better than he gets, but Yornan casts healing spells to revive the party and keep them upright.
Finally, both ettins and felled just as the sun sets behind the ridge.
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