The previous session ended with the party calling a truce with the Orcish Unit from the Ancient Dominion of the Unending Lands . In exchange for being given Pinna and Castle Rend , the party has offered to help sneak Bonebreaker Dorokor and her cadre of orcs into Highbridge in order to allow them to attack and kill The Hate Incarnate clerics located in their stronghold, the recently consecrated temple of Lathander on Baron’s Isle.
The party was last located in a room on the bottom floor of the main tower of Castle Rend. Both Rhagal and Yornan recognized an old and worn statue in the room as being an image of Lathander. Based on a vision that Rhagal had, they were trying to light a magic beacon suspended in a contraption behind the statue.
Yornan casts a Light spell on the beacon and it flames to life, riding the contraption up its rails, through the ceiling, and up to the top of the tower.
Next,Kelmen Longbottom and his friend Joc show up with about two dozen Highbridge constables and militia. They bring word and help. Apparently, Brother Pelliton is marching on the Castle with seventy or more troops, including brothers of The Hate Incarnate, to take back the castle and capture Bonebreaker Dorokor - living or dead - so that he can collect the reward offered by Prophet Ezekiern . These troops have divided into multiple groups and are approaching the castle from all directions.