Temple of Eternal Embers

Temple of Eternal Embers


Located in a box canyon on the western flank of the Badcrag Mountains, this Orcish temple was renowned as one of the most sacred sites in ancient times. It is built on and amongst various volcanic elements. This template has been particularly relevant for a number of reasons including:

  • its artistry: the intricate carvings both outside and inside the template represent the height of artistic accomplishment for sixth age Orcish society.
  • its prominence in the religious hierarchy: although the uppermost ranks of the priestly hierarchy reside and work at Harketh, this temple was the most holy of all public temples and was a particularly elevated post for religious figures.
  • its natural environment: built above a series of volcanic vents and pyroclastic lava tubes.
  • the presence of the Throne of Command, of unknown origin, and perhaps a relic of an even earlier age.

In addition, historically, it was the site chosen by Alluria the Huntress to attack and sack in retribution for the attacks on Kithkaira. However, the orcs engaged and defeated the force led by Alluria, killing her and much of her host in the process. The remnants of Alluria's army, led by her lieutenant Galathi, gained access to the temple at the very end, sealing the temple and preserving Alluria's dead body inside.


Separated from the flow of time since early in the seventh age, the barrier surrounding the temple has only recently been breached, allowing the inhabitants to reintegrate into the world. The body of Alluria - located in the temple for hundreds of years - no longer rests within.

During the summer of 163 AFE, orcish priests emerged from the previously unknown temple and demanded that the Orcish tribes swear obedience to ancient traditions which granted them sole authority over the tribes. In conjunction with the emergence of these priests, volcanos in the Badcrag Mountains began to smoke and rumble, the most notable instance being a minor eruption of a volcano within a dozen miles of the temple that belched forth large plumes of smoke and ash.