Lordship of Castle Rend

Lordship of Castle Rend


Throughout history, the ruler of the land has always had a special bond with it, serving it as its people and in return being granted special powers and privileges.

Serving as the Lord of Castle Rend is no different and grants the lord powers to protect his demesne and its people. In particular, the Temple of Lathander located within, a powerful and ancient holy site, serves as a bastion of faith for believers and adherents to Lathander's teachings and a symbol of resistance against those forces that oppose him.

Usage and Effects

For the purpose of all ability, Castle Rend functions as a level 1 stronghold.

Demesne Effects

The demesne of Castle Rend extends in a twelve mile radius around the castle, up to but not extending across the Green River. The land itself is bound to the Lord, who serves as the cleric of the Temple within the castle.

  • Folks who live in the demesne are immune to disease.
  • The lord cleric can hear the prayers of those living in their demesne who are in concordance with Lathander.
  • While the cleric is hale, the weather in their demesne is fair. If the cleric is wounded or suffering, the weather turns foul. For this effect to happen, the cleric merely has to be on the same plane as their demesne.

Stronghold Actions

At the command of the lord, the land itself participates in its own defense. The following powers are granted to the Lord while within the demesne.

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the lord cleric can take a stronghold action to cause one of the following effects. The cleric must be located within the demesne and cannot use the same effect again until after a short or long rest:

  • Contagion:  All enemies within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or suffer the effects of the contagion spell.'
  • Destroy Undead: Shafts of golden light stab down from the sky, penetrating walls and ceilings. The beams target all undead, demons, and devils within 60 feet of you, even those hidden or invisible. Targets must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be annihilated.
  • Restore Health: You and all allies in the stronghold recover all Hit Dice and gain 30 temporary hit points.

Class Feature Improvement

You can perform this once per stronghold level. After doing so, you must spend a number of days equal to the stronghold level within your demesne to refresh this ability.

  • Manifest Destiny:  When you use your Channel Divinity class feature, all allies within 30 feet regain 3d8 hit points.