The Fall of Alluria

The Fall of Alluria


The last battle of Alluria the Huntress, she and her elvish host were outnumbered by their orcish enemies and soundly defeated. 


Decipherable fragments of the papers in a folio discovered in the Vale of Alluria beneath her empty tomb.

Fragment one:

The last light of the Age of the High Elves fell in the seventy-third year of the seventh age...

Fragment two:

Alluria the Huntress was despondent after the slaughter of forest elves at Kithkaira and led a host of elves and two glarings of felines across the River Efflabant to extract punishment...

Fragment three:

Packs of hounds harried their flanks and mauled the forces at the rear of the column. The elves were herded southeast into the desolate valleys and craggy ravines surrounding the foot of the Peaks Ignis. Alluria sent scouts ahead, desperate to find a defensible position to make a last stand but the scouts never returned...

Fragment four:

The orcish troops emerged from hidden places in the valley walls, ambushing the elves as they faltered amidst the rocky terrain. Walls of fire appeared that divided the elvish forces and flaming orbs descended from the ridge of the valley to burst amongst the troops and burn them alive. Immediately, the floor of the valley was turned into a fiery wasteland and all routes of escape were cut off...

Fragment five:

The remnants of the elven host charged through the gap, with Alluria, her captain Galathi, and a few of the remaining Guard to cover their retreat. With her bow in hand, Alluria held off two uphill charges of the orcs, but during the third she fell to an infernal bolt that pierced her through the eye. Galathi dragged her body up the trail and into the dark crevice above them...

Fragment six:

The door to her tomb was sealed with her bow and Galathi's seal before they climbed up out of the crevice and retreated into the mountains. The remnants of the elvish forces scattered through the rugged terrain and were hunted throughout the night by the hounds...

Fragment seven:

Galathi returned the Bow of Alluria to her son, Aerni, and disappeared, never seen again...