Corliss —
After his mother's murder at the hands of his drunken father, Corliss left with her lute and the memories of her love. Since then he has traveled the countryside and entertained at pubs for room and board. His is constantly searching for any knowledge of his elven background.
Dawngreeter Yornan Hawklight —
I hail from the catacombs beneath an ancient, abandoned, ruined city. I am a novice cleric of the Amaunator that is wandering the world to pursue both the worship of my god and to attain the highest rank of my order.
Hurodash —
This is a one paragraph description of my character. It tells just enough to pick me out of a crowd, but not my entire lifestory.
Nymaria — A six-foot-four badass Draconian sorcerer.
Rhagal —
This is a one paragraph description of my character. It tells just enough to pick me out of a crowd, but not my entire lifestory.
Ser Shadow —
This is a one paragraph description of my character. It tells just enough to pick me out of a crowd, but not my entire lifestory.
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