The party awakes after a night of drinking at The Rusty Spigot and slowly funnels downstairs for breakfast. As they descend into the tavern room, they find Ser Shadow sitting at a table awaiting their arrival. Batilda, a matronly half-orc running the breakfast shift, informs them of the latest gossip while serving them breakfast and cleaning blood stains off the floor. In addition to what appears to be an unremarkable fight that resulted in bloodshed over rat races that had occurred late last night, Batilda also tells them that news had arrived of a squad of Polonian Legionnaires being ambushed and butchered on the trade road running east from Highbridge to Darkstone. Apparently a reward is being offered for the recovery of the cargo that they were transporting.
The party headed east for a day and a half before finding the site of the ambush. The bodies had already been looted of valuables, but the bodies and the majority of their armaments remained untouched. Corliss grabbed a the cloak and helmet of a legionnaire for future use while others discovered a few scuff marks and tracks of a crate being dragged off into the wilderness. The party following this trail for a few hours before finding a small manor home hidden in the woods. The home was build of red brick with a red tile roof and arrow slits for windows. Ser Shadow deftly climbed atop the roof (and Rhagal scrambled after him) in an attempt to find an alternate entry into the manor. While atop the roof they realized that the center of the manor home had a large open courtyard with two half-orc guards, The pair leaped down and struck from behind, dispatching the guards before they could raise the alarm. However, the two rogues found themselves stranded with no obvious next move.
The party quickly searched most of the remainder of the manor house, finding little. The only door remaining to be searched behind is one large, locked door baring bearing the fire elemental symbol.