The remnants of the city, both within and outside of the chasm, are twisted and unnatural ruined due to the despair of Galathi required to unleash his final spell.
The city of Kithkaira is located about 5 days journey north of the Green River following the remnants of the ancient, cobblestone trails that lead through the forest. The shattered ruins of the city can be seen plunged halfway down a rift in the earth. The rift is 200 feet deep and the city sits approximately 100 feet below ground level. The city as a whole is ruined. The bleached bones and rusted armor of an long-dead orc army fill the city and chasm below. The only piece of the city remaining is a single three story tower and keep in the middle of the city that likely served as an important administrative and religious function.
That keep and its inner were long protected from the outside world by magical forced but have been recently exposed. Fresh bodies of creatures from past and present are strewn throughout.
On the southern edge of the chasm is a small fort of undetermined origin that is currently housing a small, Polonian, expeditionary force.