Describing herself only as a Dark Disciple, this mysterious crone is known to have created a portal between shadow versions of the Mausoleum of Sahnar in the Shadowfell and the Primary Plane. She identified herself as a member of a race of creatures created by the “new gods”.
She is also purports to be a powerful seer, having already predicted the eventual victory of her people as they acquire dominion over the the lands that they seek. Given her faith in her visions, she appears content to sit and wait, knowing the inevitability of success.
Of particular value to her are the fortunes of others.
Three days travel north of a deserted beach west of Clapboard is the Mausoleum of Sahnar. Within that mausoleum was a portal to the Shadowfell. She currently rests in the shadow of that Mausoleum on the Shadowfell side.
Other Notable Facts
Skills with prophecy, fortune telling, tarot.
Deals electrical shocks
Creates interplanal portals via nasty rites.