Each seat is filled via a challenge system in which each council member must defend their seats against others that wish to take it. The exact method by which the challenges are conducted in unknown.
Schools of Magic
- Abjuration: spells of protection, blocking, and banishing. Specialists are called abjurers.
- Conjuration: spells that bring creatures or materials. Specialists are called conjurers.
- Divination: spells that reveal information. Specialists are called diviners.
- Enchantment: spells that magically imbue the target or give the caster power over the target. Specialists are called enchanters.
- Evocation: spells that manipulate energy or create something from nothing. Specialists are called evokers.
- Illusion: spells that alter perception or create false images. Specialists are called illusionists.
- Necromancy: spells that manipulate life or life force. Specialists are called necromancers.
- Transmutation: spells that transform the target. Specialists are called transmuters.
Adepts and
Almost every practitioner of the arcane arts in the Riding must be under the protection of a seated member of the council as an adept.
Practitioners that do not have council membership or protection are deemed rogues outlaws and may be hunted, neutralized or even killed. Typically, extremely low level practitioners in far-flung villages or trade guilds are deemed to be beneath notice. High level practitioners that have spurned the council are perhaps beyond its ability to manage. Mid-level practitioners, especially those that are public with their abilities are likely to be harshly dealt with by the council.
It addition to the eight seated members of the Lyceum Arcanium, there are rumored to be another twenty to fifty adepts and an unknown number of roguesoutlaws.