The party is forced to traverse a tunnel beneath the lake that is filled with creeper vines that reach out and grab at the party, attach suckers, and attempt to leech out their essence. The walls of the tunnel are filled with the skeletons of those that had apparently failed to successfully navigate the tunnel before.
One skeleton has an Amulet of Clem's Son that Yornan noticed. Ser Shadow dexterously reaches in amongst all the creepers and pulls it from the skeleton’s neck. The two of them pass it back and forth as they try to figure out what it does.
Hurodash winds up talking to a bored male gremlin named Grimscour that is bored at the party and has some special fireworks that he wants to fire off to create a little entertainment and perhaps perturb Leylandra. Hurodash and Grimscour divide up the fireworks a make a plan to drop them in the punch bowl at the foot of the stage where a bard is playing.
The bard turns out to be Cappen Varra and after exchanging conspiratorial grins, Hurodash lights a firecracker and throws it onstage. The internal contents hiss and smoke and give off an oily smell that infuriates Cappen Varra but does not explode. Corliss uses this opportunity to leap on stage, mock Cappen Varra, and take over for a bit.
In the chaos that ensues: Hurodash explodes a series of fireworks and sprays punch on all the leading contenders for the contest, Rhagal steals priceless artifacts from the museum in the basement of the Fey Library, Corliss gets to play multiple songs on stage for a gaggle of groupie nymphs, Yornan cuts a deal with the actual contest judge to make certain that Leylandra wins which winds up requiring Hurodash to eat his pal Buddy (didn’t happen, thanks to a Corliss illusion!), and Ser Shadow twice has personal relations with the Archduchess in the space beneath the stage.